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Imagine unexpectedly spending weeks away from your children.  Unable to provide for their everyday needs, tuck them in at bedtime, or ask how their day was.

This is Ashlee’s story.  There was a void in Ashlee’s home when life threatening complications from a high risk pregnancy resulted in an extended hospital stay.

By God’s grace, she successfully delivered a healthy baby!  But, between her own hospitalization and her baby’s NICU stay, her weeks-long absence sorely impacted her family. 

Her partner stepped into the roles of both financial provider and caregiver for her children. But there was a void in her home.  

For the first time ever, Ashlee had to rely on others to meet her children’s needs.

Today, she and her newborn are at home, where she’s focused on restoring a sense of security in her children’s lives. Her first step was reaching out to Mercy Mall for assistance with back-to-school clothing.

A mom is the heart of a home, showering her children with unconditional love and fierce protection!  To Ashlee and all the mothers who are selflessly sacrificing for their families…we appreciate you!

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