Provide Practical Items for Families Experiencing Crises

All visits to Mercy Mall are by appointment only. Since the pandemic, all orders are pre-packed and either picked-up by the client/case manager/counselor or delivered by a volunteer. Every client is offered prayer and resources to help them on this journey.
The items we provide when available include: clothing, shoes, socks, underclothing, outerwear, baby items and equipment, kitchen supplies, bathroom items, bed linens, toiletries, and some cleaning supplies. We also provide space heaters and box fans when available.
The number of visits and the timing of what is received is determined on a case by case basis. For example, we provide housewares after someone has moved into their new home and baby equipment when mother is about a month away from her due date. God may choose to provide another way!
Our goal is not that we would be able to provide everything they could ever need, but that during the short time we are with our clients, we could communicate a message of: You are So Loved, You are On Purpose, and You are Not Alone. We know in order for lasting change to take place, it must begin with acknowledging God as their creator, the Holy Spirit as their guider, and Jesus as their Savior. This is the greater purpose for the ministry, but we never push “religion” or beliefs on anyone…only provide an opportunity if they are interested.
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”