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When asked, our clients will sometimes describe a pivotal moment in their crisis that is the catalyst for much-needed change!

For Destiny, this moment was a stroke causing her to be hit by a car… leaving her speechless and immobile, depressed, and lonely!

She was clearly not proud of her past lifestyle and she felt as though “God was trying to get her attention.” She traveled through months of not being able to walk or talk.  

She leaned into the Lord and He showed her more of who she was created to be.  She pours herself into church and focuses on her health and future.  Mercy Mall was able to provide her much-needed clothing, housewares and a Bible.  

We were never meant to be alone.  God created community.  We take this seriously.

Part of our mission statement is “…building relationships.”  We may not be able to join our clients around the dinner table or stay in touch with all of them, but in that very moment of giving and receiving in the lobby at Mercy Mall, Destiny felt loved, seen, and cared for…a precious moment of God-centered commUNITY!!

Destiny, you go girl!!!  You are an inspiration. None of us have it all together either…keep doing the next right thing in love!!

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