We have many remote serving opportunities which provides for more time flexibility. Picking up from local Walmarts and stores, Hosting-a-Drive, dropping off a Case of Hope, delivering to clients, writing thank-you notes, or serving on our WeCare team are a few options.
- Good 360 Delivery
- We currently pick up from several local Wal-marts through this program on a weekly basis. This position requires a weekly commitment (vacations are fine), and possibly a truck, trailer, and a couple of people.
- Host-a-Drive
- Delivery Team
- After several attempts to get a ride, some families will need delivery to receive their items. Our delivery team is there to support this effort.
- WeCare
- Our WeCare program is a client support service that contacts all those who have been to the boutique to offer prayer, community resources, and help in finding a church or reading their Bible.