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It’s a story of resilience that many women in our community share.

Melissa’s world shattered when her husband decided to leave.  She lost her home and most of her belongings.  With trepidation, she entrusted her husband to care for her daughter while she got back on her feet.

But that tough decision quickly spiraled into a nightmare. Her daughter was in danger and Melissa found herself fighting to regain custody. 

Now, with her daughter safe by her side, she’s determined to build a bright future.

On the day we met Melissa, we served her young daughter with clothing that had been generously donated.

Melissa blessed our volunteer team by sharing her story of strength and determination.
She glowed from the love and acceptance she’s received from her church family. She bubbled with excitement about her new job, which she knows is the ‘key to her future!’

So often, it’s not just one set back that our clients face, but multiple hurdles to tackle. Our clients are facing these challenges every day. And just like Melissa, facing these trials with bravery and resolve!

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