A Case of Hope: “I’ve Never Had Anything This Nice Before”

Tears filled her eyes as she unzipped the suitcase. Inside, she found not just clothes, but a brand-new name-brand purse and wallet—something she had always dreamed of owning but never thought possible.

For women leaving incarceration with nothing, a Case of Hope is more than a suitcase—it’s a fresh start. It’s proof that someone sees them, cares for them, and believes they are worth more than their past mistakes.

“These women cry when they open their suitcases,” shared an officer who picks them up for Mercy Mall. “Many of them feel like they have nothing good about them. But when they receive these items, they realize they matter.”

Without basic necessities, survival can feel impossible, and some may feel forced to steal just to get by—risking their future and even their life. A suitcase filled with essentials can be the difference between desperation and dignity. When you give a suitcase, you give someone hope, protection, and a chance for a new beginning.

Thanks to your generosity, a Case of Hope becomes so much more than a suitcase. We were able to pack 541 cases this past year! It offers a renewed sense of dignity to women who may have felt invisible for years. It communicates compassion, care, and the belief that their lives matter. Each suitcase is a powerful step toward a fresh start, filled with hope, encouragement, and the tools to build a brighter future.