Grow Hope Story #12 – Hope for the Future

“I want a safe place for my children that we can call home.” 

That sentiment rang true for Leila…a woman whose confidence and self-worth had been battered for many years at the hand of an abusive husband.

Pregnant with two young children, she was petrified to leave, uncertain of what would happen to her children.  With no family of her own to turn to, she felt she had no options.  

That all changed, though, when her therapist made a concerned call to CPS.  

Ms Nancy, a counselor with Healthy Families Virginia, became ‘the rock’ that Leila needed, providing hope and encouragement through housing resources and a visit to Mercy Mall to receive clothing for her growing children and practical items for her baby on the way!

This loving care has grown Leila’s confidence to have hope for the future and to ‘live before it’s too late.’  

Her priority now is creating a safe, stable home for her children!

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Thank you, Ms. Nancy, for being the hands and feet of Jesus!

Grow Hope Story #11 – A Medical Crisis

For a mother, it’s a phone call that turns into the worst nightmare…  “Your son has been in a car accident.  8 hours away.  He may not make it.”

In an instant, Demetria did what any mother would do.  She uprooted her children from West Virginia to Richmond overnight, leaving everything behind. 

Though the following months have been a blur, she is thankful that her son is going to be ok.

‘I’ve never had anything like this happen before.  I wasn’t prepared.’

The care of her family has been front and center and she stops at nothing to self-advocate.  Seeking out stable housing, resources for furniture, and being served at Mercy Mall to fill the gaps of so many of the items they were forced to leave behind in West Virginia – clothing, bedding, basic kitchen essentials.  

We are proud to stand beside this fierce mama!

Grow Hope Story #10 – Leaving Behind the Old Life

Turning away from a toxic lifestyle takes courage and resolve and we celebrate those who make these lifesaving decisions!

Crisis hit John’s home when his father unexpectedly passed away.  Consumed with grief,  John and his mother’s world began to unravel.  Their income was depleted, disaster struck their home, and substance abuse became a mechanism to cope.

In a moment of clarity, John was desperate to get his life together.  Through Hope, Inc., John is on the road to recovery.  The kind guidance of a counselor led him to a treatment facility and ultimately Mercy Mall, where we served him with much needed winter clothing.   

For John, leaving his old life behind has been a lesson in learning to ‘stay the course, no matter how hard it gets.’  

He is determined to continue treatment and looks forward to receiving job training to learn a trade.  John holds onto hope for the future and is resolved to not give up!

Grow Hope Story #9 – God is the Waymaker

“My children don’t need to be around that.” 

Angel had reached her threshold of abuse and it was time to leave the man she still loved and focus on what’s best for her and her six children.  

Angel met her husband when she was 14 and grew accustomed to taking care of everyone else.  She felt stuck. Until she felt the Lord telling her to leave her life in New York behind, move to her loving home in Virginia, and go back to school. 

After 18 months, she received a housing voucher, but didn’t have enough money to purchase what was needed to start over.   We supplied her family with practical household items, winter clothes, cleaning supplies, and more to take the next step on her journey to stability.  

We meet many families on their road to healing and recovery from what seems like impossible circumstances!  Angel’s zest for life, greater love for children and finally herself put her on a path of progression.  She never lost sight of God’s goodness, His faithfulness, and the power of prayer! 

She wants others to know, “You don’t have to stay in a toxic relationship…God will make a way…in His timing.”  And at Mercy Mall, we have seen this play out in countless lives.  

Be part of someone’s miracle by helping us Grow Hope today by texting growhope23 to 44-321.  Thank you, Angel, for sharing your story with us!!

Grow Hope Story #8 – God Created CommUNITY

When asked, our clients will sometimes describe a pivotal moment in their crisis that is the catalyst for much-needed change!

For Destiny, this moment was a stroke causing her to be hit by a car… leaving her speechless and immobile, depressed, and lonely!

She was clearly not proud of her past lifestyle and she felt as though “God was trying to get her attention.” She traveled through months of not being able to walk or talk.  

She leaned into the Lord and He showed her more of who she was created to be.  She pours herself into church and focuses on her health and future.  Mercy Mall was able to provide her much-needed clothing, housewares and a Bible.  

We were never meant to be alone.  God created community.  We take this seriously.

Part of our mission statement is “…building relationships.”  We may not be able to join our clients around the dinner table or stay in touch with all of them, but in that very moment of giving and receiving in the lobby at Mercy Mall, Destiny felt loved, seen, and cared for…a precious moment of God-centered commUNITY!!

Destiny, you go girl!!!  You are an inspiration. None of us have it all together either…keep doing the next right thing in love!!