Grow Hope Story #10 – Leaving Behind the Old Life

Turning away from a toxic lifestyle takes courage and resolve and we celebrate those who make these lifesaving decisions!

Crisis hit John’s home when his father unexpectedly passed away.  Consumed with grief,  John and his mother’s world began to unravel.  Their income was depleted, disaster struck their home, and substance abuse became a mechanism to cope.

In a moment of clarity, John was desperate to get his life together.  Through Hope, Inc., John is on the road to recovery.  The kind guidance of a counselor led him to a treatment facility and ultimately Mercy Mall, where we served him with much needed winter clothing.   

For John, leaving his old life behind has been a lesson in learning to ‘stay the course, no matter how hard it gets.’  

He is determined to continue treatment and looks forward to receiving job training to learn a trade.  John holds onto hope for the future and is resolved to not give up!

$35 is all it takes to give hope and encouragement to someone in our community who is striving to leave their ‘old life behind.’  Together, we can change lives!  Grow Hope!!

Grow Hope Story #9 – God is the Waymaker

“My children don’t need to be around that.” 

Angel had reached her threshold of abuse and it was time to leave the man she still loved and focus on what’s best for her and her six children.  

Angel met her husband when she was 14 and grew accustomed to taking care of everyone else.  She felt stuck. Until she felt the Lord telling her to leave her life in New York behind, move to her loving home in Virginia, and go back to school. 

After 18 months, she received a housing voucher, but didn’t have enough money to purchase what was needed to start over.   We supplied her family with practical household items, winter clothes, cleaning supplies, and more to take the next step on her journey to stability.  

We meet many families on their road to healing and recovery from what seems like impossible circumstances!  Angel’s zest for life, greater love for children and finally herself put her on a path of progression.  She never lost sight of God’s goodness, His faithfulness, and the power of prayer! 

She wants others to know, “You don’t have to stay in a toxic relationship…God will make a way…in His timing.”  And at Mercy Mall, we have seen this play out in countless lives.  

Be part of someone’s miracle by helping us Grow Hope today by texting growhope23 to 44-321.  Thank you, Angel, for sharing your story with us!!

Grow Hope Story #8 – God Created CommUNITY

When asked, our clients will sometimes describe a pivotal moment in their crisis that is the catalyst for much-needed change!

For Destiny, this moment was a stroke causing her to be hit by a car… leaving her speechless and immobile, depressed, and lonely!

She was clearly not proud of her past lifestyle and she felt as though “God was trying to get her attention.” She traveled through months of not being able to walk or talk.  

She leaned into the Lord and He showed her more of who she was created to be.  She pours herself into church and focuses on her health and future.  Mercy Mall was able to provide her much-needed clothing, housewares and a Bible.  

We were never meant to be alone.  God created community.  We take this seriously.

Part of our mission statement is “…building relationships.”  We may not be able to join our clients around the dinner table or stay in touch with all of them, but in that very moment of giving and receiving in the lobby at Mercy Mall, Destiny felt loved, seen, and cared for…a precious moment of God-centered commUNITY!!

Destiny, you go girl!!!  You are an inspiration. None of us have it all together either…keep doing the next right thing in love!!  A $35 donation can serve someone in the community just like Destiny with warm clothes, a Bible, and a loving hand to grab onto!  Help Us Grow Hope Today!!

Grow Hope Story #7 – A Sister is a Best Friend

Proverbs 3:15 – She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her.

A large number of clients have to lean on other family members for housing support, whether it’s doubling or tripling up or having multiple generations living in one home.  We see this all the time, but it’s not always a bad thing! 

The Virginia Department of Health referred Ana to us to help provide items their home was lacking as well as much-needed baby items.  She was due any day, so we can understand why she was a bit anxious…and a little scared.    

Her sister, Cecia, vowed to be right by her side through it all; our volunteers were touched by the adoration the sisters had for each other.  

Some living situations may not be ideal, but the only option for our clients during this affordable housing shortage.  Some are making it work and inspiring others to do things like other cultures have done for years!  

Ana, brimming with excitement, can’t wait to bring this baby home with all the love from her family…and the baby supplies she needs, thanks to the kind donations from donors like you! Your $200 donation will serve a new mom like Ana, with much needed baby items and practical gear, like car seats and pack-n-plays!  Together we can Grow Hope!! 

Grow Hope Story #6 – From Homeless to Hopeful

“We were homeless for three months…wouldn’t wish that on anyone!”

Gabrielle, her husband and two toddlers had to move out of the home she shared with her sister’s family due to an unsettled dispute. Living in the car was their only option. 

We were impressed by their fierce loyalty and huge heart for her family as they navigated the homeless landscape with optimism and bravery.  

We met this family when they were on the path to putting their lives back together after being rehomed…and were able to provide winter clothing for the entire family and some practical household items.  

They would love to thank their employers who had great grace and understanding during this whole transition – you all are angels!  

Gabrielle has since started caring for her 9-month old niece, but is hopeful for the future of their family. Thank you to all those who have helped them along this path!! 

 If you want to assist families like this who are doing all they can to provide and protect their children, even through living in a car, we welcome you to do so by texting “growhope23” to 44-321 or simply clicking this link:  Help Us Grow Hope Today!!

Grow Hope Story #5 – Unexpected Blessings – Twins!!

Sometimes, families need a little extra help as they navigate the unexpected!

When the Lewis family found out they were having twins, they were over the moon!  Already a family of six, with 4 school-aged children, they knew it would be tough financially.  

The baby girls arrived early and needed extra care in the hospital as well as specialty formula and insurance didn’t cover everything.  

Serving families as they overcome a crisis is at the heart of what we do…and crisis doesn’t wait.  At Mercy Mall, we are in the business of serving families who have immediate needs caused by a transition or change in circumstances.  

With your donations, we are able to provide individuals and families, like the Lewis’s, baby items like clothing, diapers, formula, and baby equipment… so the focus can be on all the other responsibilities of raising a family!!

What we loved about this family is their undeniable love, joy, and delight in who their children were becoming.  They absolutely glowed as they shared stories of their accomplishments!  Thank you, Lewis family, for being such dedicated parents – what an inspiration you both are!

Your $200 donation helps us to serve newborns like the Lewis twins with much needed baby items and practical gear, like car seats and pack and plays!  Together we can Grow Hope!!

Grow Hope Story #4 – She Has a Story to Tell

“One day, I’m gonna write a book!” she says after sharing her story of redemption. 

From growing up in foster care, being sexually assaulted, and homeless at 14 to living in abandoned homes, vacant places, parks, and dealing with homes with water issues and fire…plus being attacked by a dog leaving scars, getting kicked out, and receiving drug charges due to having the wrong friends…Ms. Halston definitely has a story to tell!! 

Like so many we serve, it feels like “…one step forward and two steps back,” but she has never lost hope and continues the momentum forward.  Ms. Halston is stable now and aspires to write a book to hopefully help other women on this journey to stability.   

At Mercy Mall, we want to create a safe space where clients can receive quality items and share their stories without judgment. Our front lobby prayer warriors provide the utmost care and compassion, offer a beverage, provide resources, and are a listening ear to hundreds of clients each year who have a story to tell!  

Would you help us continue to give a voice to those in our community who are overcoming obstacles to stability?  A $70 donation allows us to serve a mother and her child with practical items when they need it most!  Together we can Grow Hope!!

Grow Hope Story #3 – Family First

For countless families around the world, the United States is a beacon of refuge and opportunity.  That bright dream has kept the Keskin family energized!  

We recently met this sweet family from Turkey in our lobby.  You may recognize Mr. Keskin and know him more affectionately as ‘Gogo’, the ice cream man!

Gogo has poured his heart into creating a safe home for his wife and young child, started his own business (Gogo Ice Cream), and was on the path to building financial security…until the recent recession that caused his costs to go up and sales down!

Finances may be tight, but his spirits haven’t been dampened!  GoGo lives for his family and is determined to put a smile on the face of each person he meets, including us here at Mercy Mall!!

Transitioning to life in a new country poses many challenges, many of which our brave clients overcome through hard work and creativity! We are so thankful to provide families like Gogo’s practical items which help ease the transition and financial burden. This way, they can continue the dream of making a better future for them and their loved ones. 

A $120 donation serves a family like the Keskins and allows them the opportunity to focus on their family!  Help Us Grow Hope Today!!

Grow Hope Story #2 – Stability Requires Safety

“I had to get out of the situation.  I just had to.  I just left.” 

Those were Lara’s thoughts she shared with me as she reminisced about that cold night, she “hit the highway” in hopes of a better life.   She was living in constant fear and uncertainty…but that all changed when she made the courageous decision to escape with her children and only a few belongings!  

She drove hundreds of miles to the only safe haven she knew, her parent’s home, where she could focus on healing, getting a job, and maybe getting a place of her own one day. 

One thing we noticed about this loving mother is her willingness to now share her story with others to help them gain the confidence needed to do the same!! (Just an example of how our clients inspire us so much 🙂 

This brave young woman represents hundreds more in our community who are ready to flee to safety.  When they do escape, we are ready to provide these ladies with the practical items they need most in a timely manner, and with the utmost compassion and care! 

With a donation of just $120, a victim of domestic violence and her children can embark on a journey to safety, then eventually stability. Click here to help more families like Lara – Grow Hope 2023

*Name and specific details of this story have been changed.

Grow Hope Story #1 – From Grief to Growth

Though tragedy struck over five years ago, for Mr. Walker it feels like only yesterday.

It was 2017 when he received the devastating news that his son had been tragically murdered.  Overcome with grief, his wife passed away shortly after.

The depression that followed was more than Mr. Walker could bear, quickly taking his job and leading to homelessness.  But through this dark time, he held on to this belief – Don’t give up!  Keep your faith in God!

Over the past year, this hopeful mindset has led Mr. Walker to secure housing and an appointment at Mercy Mall.  On the day we served him, we received so much more from him – the blessing of his gentle spirit and his love for God.

At one point during our vibrant conversation he chuckled, ‘You guys remind me of being in church!’

We learn things from our clients each day!  Mr. Walker taught us that grief may stay raw and present in our lives, but through a community of support, we can grow through leaving our burdens behind!